
Published research

Zhang, Y., Segal, A., Pompedda, F., Haginoya, S., & Santtila, P. (2022). Confirmation bias in simulated CSA interviews: How abuse assumption influences interviewing and decision‐making processes?. Legal and Criminological Psychology.

Pompedda, F., Zhang, Y., Haginoya, S., & Santtila, P. (2022). A Mega-Analysis of the Effects of Feedback on the Quality of Simulated Child Sexual Abuse Interviews with Avatars. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 1-14.

Segal, A., Pompedda, F., Haginoya, S., Kaniušonytė, G., & Santtila, P. (2022). Avatars with child sexual abuse (vs. no abuse) scenarios elicit different emotional reactions. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-21.

Girdenis, T., Zajančkauskienė, J., Segal, A. (2022). Jaunesnio nei 16 metų tvirkinimo ir seksualinio prievartavimo atribojimo problemos Lietuvos teismų praktikoje. Jurisprudencija, 29(1), 106-121.

Žukauskienė, R., Bakaitytė, A., Kaniušonytė, G., Segal, A., Ustinavičiūtė-Klenauskė, L., Santtila, P. (2023). The lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse assessed in young adults in Lithuania. Child Abuse & Neglect. 138, 106061.

Segal, A., Kaniušonytė, G., Bakaitytė, A., Žukauskienė, R., & Santtila, P. (2023). The Effects of Emotions on the Assessment of Child Sexual Abuse Interviews. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 1-12. Ahead-of-Print.

Segal, A., Bakaitytė, A., Kaniušonytė, G., Ustinavičiūtė-Klenauskė, L., Haginoya, S., Zhang, Y., Pompedda , F., Žukauskienė, R., & Santtila, P. (2023). Associations between emotions and psychophysiological states and confirmation bias in question formulation in ongoing simulated investigative interviews of child sexual abuse. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1220.